Friday, August 31, 2012

"CATS" makes the Washington Post!

Last spring, when both Grey Expectations and Cats Can't Shoot came out, some things went wrong. For starters, a mix-up with the printer meant that most of the review copies of "Cats," my second Pru Marlowe pet noir, did not go out. That meant, no Publishers Weekly review. Very little press in general. But, well, it was a good book, and I was working on the next one, so I tried to let it go.

So imagine how thrilled I was this week when Sheila Connolly, a sister member of Sisters in Crime, sent me this link, showing that "Cats Can't Shoot" had been chosen as one of five mysteries for a "cozy" crime fiction write-up in the Washington Post!

"Animal behaviorist Pru Marlowe knows that Cats Can’t Shoot (Poisoned Pen, $24.95)," Washington Post contributor Kathy Blumenstock writes. "But when a blue-eyed white Persian in Clea Simon’s new mystery is accused of pulling the trigger that killed her owner, Pru is on the case...." Click here to read more!

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